Commemorative Lecture




In celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 1988, the theme “30 Years of Service with Technical Excellence” was chosen to reflect the objects of the Institute to develop and uphold the highest standard of accounting education and practice.

To commemorate the 30th anniversary, the Commemorative Lecture cum luncheon was inaugurated and held on July 26, 1988 and the Institute was honoured to have YAB Tun Ismail bin Mohamed Ali as the Guest of Honour for this memorable occasion and to address members and guests on a topical issue – Role and Responsibility of the Accountancy Profession in the Economic Progress of Malaysia.

Thereon, the lecture has become the summit event in the Institute’s calendar of the years as it provides an opportunity to evaluate the most pertinent issues affecting the Malaysian economy and the role of the accounting profession.

64th Anniversary Commemorative Lecture

Guest of Honour: Tan Sri Nazir Razak
Topic: “Towards a Better Malaysian Political Economy”
Date: October 3, 2022 (Monday)
Time: 6.00 p.m
Venue: Virtual

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Over the years, we have had eminent speakers at the lecture to share their perspectives on topical issues, which is strong indication and a clear testimony to the importance accorded to this annual event.

List of Speakers for MICPA Anniversary Commemorative Lecture (1988 – Current)


2022 (64th) YBhg Tan Sri Nazir Razak
Topic:Towards a Better Malaysian Political Economy
2021 (63rd) YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar
Chairman, Bursa Malaysia Berhad
Topic: ESG, Islamic Finance and The Accountancy Profession: The Way Forward
2019 (60th) YBhg Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz
Chairman, AirAsia X Berhad
Topic: Restoring Faith in the Malaysian Economy
2017 (57th) YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Utama Nor Mohamed Yakcop,
Deputy Chairman, Khazanah Nasional Berhad
Topic: The 10 Golden Rules
2015 (56th) YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Azman HJ. Mokhtar
Managing Director, Khazanah Nasional Berhad
Topic: Sense & Sensibility, Accounting & Accountanbility : A Practitioners’s Perspective
2014 (55th) YBhg Datuk Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria
Secretary-General of MITI
Topic: Does ASEAN Matter?
2013 (54th) YBhg Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh
Chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia
Topic: Regulatory Innovation in the New Marketplace
2012 (53rd) YB Senator Dato’ Sri idris Jala
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office & Deputy Chairman
Chief Executive Officer of PEMANDU
Topic: Economic Transformation Programme Update
2011 (52nd) YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Lin See Yen
Independent Strategic & Financial Consultant
Topic: Education & Accountancy
2010 (51st) YBhg Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew L T Sheng
Chairman, China Banking Regulatory CommissionMember, NEAC
Topic: The New Economic Model and Role of Accountants
2009 (50th) YABhg Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Hj Abdullah
Chairman of Bursa Malaysia Berhad
Topic: What is Bursa Malaysia’s Voice in Embracing the Global Meltdown with Confidence?
2008 (49th) YBhg Dato’ Zarinah Anwar
Chairman of Securities Commission Malaysia
Topic: Enhancing Confidence in the Capital Market
2007 (48th) YB Dato’ Shahrir Abdul Samad
Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee
Topic: Public Accountability – the Hallmark of Effective Governance Leading to Economic Success and Prosperity
2005 (47th) YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
Topic: What it takes to be a Global Leader
2004 (46th) YBhg Dato’ Zarinah Anwar
Deputy Chief Executive, Securities Commission
Topic: The Future of Capital Market Development in Asia – How can Malaysia Develop a Winning Strategy
2003 (45th) YBhg Dato’ Mohd Azlan Hashim
Executive Chairman, KLSE
Topic: Gearing the Malaysian Securities Industry to meet Global Challenges
2002 (44th) YBhg Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed
Executive Director, NEAC
Topic: Malaysia’s Niche in the New Economy
2001 (43rd) YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamed Dzaiddin bin Hj Abdullah
Chief Justice, Malaysia
Topic: Aspects of Corporate Governance from the Judicial Perspective
2000 (42nd) YBhg Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir
Chairman, Securities Commission
Topic: Beyond the Asian Financial Crisis – Challenges and Perspectives for the Malaysian Capital Market
1999 (41st) (No Lecture was Organised)
1998 (40th) YBhg Datuk Dr Aris Othman
Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance
Topic: Shifting Gears – The Route to Economic Recovery
1997 (39th) YABhg Tun Daim Zainuddin
Economic Adviser to the Government
Topic: The Global Persona of Malaysian Corporations – Opportunities & Threats
1996 (38th) YBhg Tan Sri Azmi Wan Hamzah
Topic: Thoughts of a Lapsed Accountant
1995 (37th) Encik Ahmad Mohd Don
Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia
Topic: Globalisation of the Financial Markets – Key Issues in Malaysia’s Agenda
1994 (36th) YB Dato’ Syed Hamid bin Tan Sri Syed Jaafar Albar
Minister in the Prime Minister Department and Minister of Law, Malaysia
Topic: Corporate Legal Framework of Malaysia – Key Issues in Promoting Regional Business Alliance
1993 (35th) YBhg Dato’ Dr Mohamed Munir Abdul Majid
Chairman, Securities Commission
Topic: Corporate Governance – Director’s and Auditor’s Responsibilities in Enhancing the Securities Industry
1992 (34th) YBhg Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid
Chief Secretary to the Government
Topic: Productivity Gap: Does it exist between the public sector and private sector?
1991 (33rd) YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Minister of Finance
Topic: Rapid Economic Growth Inflation and Price Stability
1990 (32nd) Mr Charles Kaiser Jr
Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Topic: Navigating the 90’s
1989 (31st) YBhg Datuk Dr Kamal Salih
Executive Director of Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER)
Topic: Economic Outlook of Malaysia in the 1990’s
1988 (30th) YAB Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali
Chairman of Permodalan Nasional Bhd
Topic: The Role and Responsibilities of the Accountancy Profession in the Economic Progress of Malaysia

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Video Recording

63rd Anniversary Commemorative Lecture Presentation Slides

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